My publications are available below in their chronological order. I
have kind of sorted them with regards to their topic. The color of the
dot indicates the topic as follows:
reinforcement learning,
including modeling of the dynamics of behavior in living beings (ongoing
since 1996 or so)
machine learning
application of machine learning
virtual laboratories (from 1996 to 2004)
genetic algorithms, combinatorial optimization, fitness landscapes,
local search algorithms (from 1994 to 1999)
stuffs on supercompilers done during my PhD (before 1993)
other topics
Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu
savoir sur les systèmes dynamiques non-linéaires sans oser
le demander, (only available in French) Seconde édition (avr. 95)
(pdf) (in French)
A. Araújo, R. Guerra, V. Mankina, Ph. Preux, C. Distante, Ch. Vasconcellos, D. Brandão, L. Gonçalves, E. Clua,
Towards an Autonomous Sailboat Navigation Control Architecture,
in Proc. 2024 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), Arequipa, Peru, Nov. 2024.
A. Araújo, V. Mankina, C. Cernicchiaro, Ph. Preux, C. Distante, Ch. Vasconcellos, D. Brandão, L. Gonçalves, E. Clua,
A comparison of DRL with APF and A* with PI Control for Trajectory Planning with Obstacle Avoidance for Sailboat Robots,
in Proc. 2024 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), Arequipa, Peru, Nov. 2024.
C. Rozwag, F. Valentini, A. Cotten, X. Demondion, Ph. Preux, Th. Jacques,
Elbow trauma in children: development and evaluation of radiological artificial intelligence models},
Research in Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, 6,
available on
on sciencedirect web site since April 29, 2023. sur hal.
H. Kohler, R. Akrour, Ph. Preux,
Optimal Interpretability-Performance Trade-off of Classification Trees with black-box Reinforcement Learning,
Inria research report RR-9503,
on hal.
M. Centa, Ph. Preux,
Soft Action Priors in Reinforcement Learning,
Proc. AAAI, 2023.
accepted version, on hal.
R. Della Vecchia, A. Shilova, R. Akrour, Ph. Preux,
Entropy Regularized Reinforcement Learning with Cascading Networks,
European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL), Sep. 2022. Inria research report 7003, on hal.
R. Gautron, E. J. Padrón, Ph. Preux, J. Bigot, D. Emukpere,
gym-DSSAT: a crop model turned into a Reinforcement Learning environment,
Inria Research Report number 9460, June 2022, on hal, on arxiv.
N. Grinsztajn, L. Leconte, Ph. Preux, É. Oyallon,
Interferometric Graph Transform for Community Labeling,
arxiv preprint, May 2021
N. Grinsztajn and O. Beaumont and E. Jeannot and Ph. Preux,
READYS: A Reinforcement Learning Based Strategy for Heterogeneous Dynamic Scheduling,
Proc. IEEE Cluster, 2021, on hal.
Y. Flet-Berliac, R. Ouhamma, O-A. Maillard, Ph. Preux,
Is Standard Deviation the New Standard? Revisiting the Critic in Deep Policy Gradients, preprint on hal, and on arxiv.
K. Villatel, E. Smirnova, J. Mary, Ph. Preux,
Recurrent Neural Networks for Long and Short-Term Sequential Recommendation, July 2018. Unpublished. on hal, arxiv:1807.09142.
B. Danglot, Ph. Preux, B. Baudry, M. Monperrus,
Correctness Attraction: A Study of Stability of Software Behavior Under Runtime Perturbation, on arxiv, this link for the official paper.
C. Z. Felício, K.V.R. Paixão, C. A. Z. Barcelo, Ph. Preux,
Preference-like Networks to Cope with User Cold Start in Recommender Systems,
in Proc. 28th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), IEEE Computer Society, San Jose, Nov. 2016 (on hal)
V. Musco, M. Monperrus, Ph. Preux,
Mutation-Based Graph Inference for Fault Localization,
Proc. 16th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), Oct. 2016 (on hal)
J. Mary, R. Gaudel, Ph. Preux,
Bandits and Recommender Systems, Proc. 1st Int'l Workshop on Machine Learning, Optimization and big data (MOD), Springer/LNCS 9432, pp. 325:336, 2015. (on hal)
J. Mary, R. Gaudel, Ph. Preux,
Bandits Warm-up Cold Recommender Systems, INRIA Research Report 8563, 2014, on hal, on arxiv.
V. Musco and M. Monperrus and Ph. Preux,
A Generative Model of Software Dependency Graphs to Better Understand Software Evolution, on arxiv, and on hal.
G. Dulac-Arnold, L. Denoyer, Ph. Preux, P. Gallinari,
Apprentissage par renforcement rapide pour des grands ensembles d'actions en utilisant des codes correcteurs d'erreur, JFPDA et CAP, Nancy, Mai 2012
H. Kadri, Ph. Preux, E. Duflos,
Régression ridge à noyau pour des variables explicatives et
d'intérêts fonctionnelles (draft),
in Proc. 43e Journées de
statistiques (JDS), Mai 2011
S. Girgin, J. Mary, Ph. Preux, O. Nicol,
Advertising Campaigns Management: Should We Be Greedy?,
in Proc. 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), pp. 821-826, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2010
(short (6 pages) paper: acceptance rate < 20 % for long + short papers),
extended version available as the
INRIA research
report 7388
(Abstract here.)
V. Gabillon, J. Mary, Ph. Preux,
Affichage de publicités sur des portails web,
in Proc. 10e Extraction,
Gestion des Connaissances (EGC), Tunisie, 2010
This paper received a best paper award.
(long paper: acceptance rate < 25 % for long papers)
(More details here.)
S. Delepoulle, Ch. Renaud, Ph. Preux,
Light Source Storage and Interpolation for Global Illumination:
a neural solution, in
Intelligent Computer Graphics,
D. Plemenos and G. Miaoulis eds, Springer 2009,
Studies in Computational Intelligence series, Vol. 240, 87-104
M. loth, Ph. Preux,
The Equi-Correlation Network: a New Kernelized-LARS with
Automatic Kernel Parameters Tuning,
INRIA Research Report 6794,
2008 (pdf available here, which
is a little more up-to-date than the version available on HAL; the
ICML-A paper provides more recent results).
S. Girgin, M. Loth, R. Munos Ph. Preux, D. Ryabko, (eds)
Recent Advances in Reinforcement Learning,
Springer, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 5323,
Feb. 2009
S. Girgin, Ph. Preux,
Basis Function Construction in Reinforcement Learning using
Cascade-Correlation Learning Architecture, in Proc. of the
International Conference
on Machine Learning and Applications (ICML-A), 75--82, IEEE Press,
La Jolla, USA, Dec. 2008
(the paper is copyrighted by IEEE Press,
available on IEEExplore,
an early draft is available.
Despite having the same title as the following paper, these two
papers are not the same; the ICML-A paper is more thorough.)
S. Girgin, Ph. Preux,
Incremental basis function expansion in reinforcement learning
using cascade-correlation networks, in Proc. of the ECAI
ERLARS workshop, Patras, Greece,
Jul 2008 (see the January 2008 INRIA research report
research report RR-6505)
M. Loth, Ph. Preux, M. Davy,
A unified view of TD algorithms - Introducing full-gradient TD and
Equi-gradient descent TD, in Proc. European Symposium on
Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), Apr. 2007.
on arxiv.
Ph. Preux, S. Delepoulle, R. Coulom (eds),
Prise de décision séquentielle,
numéro spécial de la revue d'intelligence artificielle (RIA),
volume 21, numéro 1, jan. 2007
R. Duboz, É. Ramat, Ph. Preux,
Scale transfer modeling: using emergent computation for
coupling an ordinary differential equation system
with a reactive agent model,
Systems Analysis Modeling and Simulation, 43(6),
pp. 793:814, Jun 2003
R. Duboz, F. Amblard, É. Ramat, G. Deffuant, Ph. Preux,
Individual-based model to enrich an aggregate model,
Model to model workshop,
Mar-Apr 2003, Marseille, France
R. Duboz, F. Amblard, É. Ramat, G. Deffuant, Ph. Preux,
Utiliser les modèles indidividus-centrés comme laboratoires virtuels
pour identifier les paramètres d'un modèle agrégé,
Proc. MOSIM 2003
É. Ramat, Ph. Preux,
"Virtual Laboratory Environment" (VLE): a software environment agent
and object oriented for modeling and simulation of complex systems,
Simulation, Practice and Theory , 2002
S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-C. Darcheville,
Multi-segmented models to simulate vertebrate organisms,
Société de biomécanique, Archives of physiology and
biochemistry, vol 110, Valenciennes, 2002.
J. Jozéfowiec, J-Cl. Darcheville, Ph. Preux,
Using Markovian Decision Problems to Analyze Animal
Performance in Random and Variable Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement,
SAB 7, From Animals to Animats,
Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug 2002
J. Jozéfowiec, J-Cl. Darcheville, Ph. Preux,
Operant conditioning as a Markovian decision
problem: application to variable and random ratio
schedules of reinforcement,
poster at the Symposium
for the Quantitative Analyses of Behavior, Toronto, Canada, May 2002
Ph. Preux, S. Delepoulle, J-Cl. Darcheville, Modélisation
du comportement animal et apprentissage par renforcement, rapport interne
LIL-01-02, Oct. 2001
S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-C. Darcheville,
L'apprentissage par renforcement comme résultat de la sélection,
Extraction des connaissances et apprentissage, 1(3), 9:30, 2001
S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-C. Darcheville,
Learning as a consequence of selection,
Artificial Evolution, Oct 2001, Le Creusot, France,
Springer-Verlag, LNCS
Ph. Preux, Ch. Cassagnabère, S. Delepoulle, J-C. Darcheville,
A non supervised multi-reinforcement agents architecture
to model the development of behavior of living organisms European Workshop
on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL-5), Sep 2001, Utrecht, Pays-Bas
R. Duboz, É. Ramat, Ph. Preux, Towards a coupling
of continuous and discrete formalisms in ecological modelling - Influences
of the choice of algorithms and result, European Simulation Symposium, Oct
2001, Marseille, France
S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-C. Darcheville, Dynamique
de l'interaction, Modèles Formels de l'Interaction, Mai 2001, Toulouse
S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-C. Darcheville, Selection
of Behavior in Social Situations - Application to the development of coordinated
movements, First European Workshop on Evolutionary Learning, EuroGP 2001,
Springer-Verlag, LNCS Avr 2001, Como, Italie
É. Ramat, Ph. Preux, Virtual Laboratory Environment
(VLE) : un environnement multi-agents et objets pour la modélisation
et la simulation de systèmes complexes, MOSIM
Avr 2001, Troyes, France
Ph. Preux, S. Delepoulle, J-C. Darcheville, Selection
of behaviors by their consequences in the human baby, software agents,
and robots, Computational Biology, Genome Information Systems and Technology
Mar 2001, Durham, USA (pdf)
S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-C. Darcheville, Simulation
of social behaviors: why and how?, M. J'al. of Behavior Analysis, 26(2),
191:209, Sep 2000
J. Josefowiecz, J-Cl. Darcheville, Ph. Preux, An
operant approach to the prisoners' dilemma: indirect reinforcement of controlling
behaviors in simple reinforcement learning agents allows the emergence
of stable cooperation, M. J'al. of Behavior Analysis, 26(2), 211:227, Sep
E. Ramat, Ph. Preux, Virtual Laboratory Environment
(VLE): un environnement multi-agents pour la modélisation et la
simulation d'écosystèmes, Systèmes Multi-agents -
Méthodologie, technologie et expériences (JFIADSMA 2000),
Hermès, pp. 252:258, Septembre 2000
S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-Cl. Darcheville, Un système
coopératif pour la simulation comportementale. Application au contrôle
d'un bras mobile, Neurosciences
et sciences de l'ingénieur, Rennes, France, Septembre 2000
L. Seuront, E. Ramat, Ph. Preux, Y. Lagadeuc, An
Individual-Based Approach of Zooplankton Behavior in Microscale Phytoplankton
Patches, American Society for Limnology and Oceanography Annual Meeting,
Juin 2000, Copenhague, Danemark
Y. Lagadeuc, V. Gentilhomme, F. Lizon, L. Seuront,
Ph. Preux, E. Ramat, J-C. Poggiale, Vers une étude des transferts
d'échelles en écologie planctonique, workshop ressources
aquatiques : modélisation, contrôle, effets physiques et océanographie,
Mai 2000, Marrakech
S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-Cl. Darcheville,
Evolution of cooperation within a behavior-based perspective,
Evolution Artificial,
Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1829,
2000, pdf
L. Seuront, F. Schmitt, Y. Lagadeuc, E. Ramat, Ph.
Preux, Turbulence intermittency and small-scale phytoplankton patchiness:
effects on plankton trophodynamics, XXIV General Assembly of the European
Geophysical Society, Den Haag, The Netherlands, Avril 1999
Ph. Preux, D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt, E-G. Talbi,
V. Bachelet, Reaching summits is not wandering, or, Getting insight into
problem landscapes to go higher, faster, Technical Report LIL-99-5, Jan
Yvan Lagadeuc, Laurent Seuront, Eric Ramat, Philippe
Preux, Pascal Pitiot, Vanessa Denis, Laurent Falk, Hervé Vivier,
Microscale turbulence intermittency and zooplankton dynamics: how to include
behavioral components? Technical Report LIL-99-4, Fév 1999
Eric Ramat, Philippe Preux, Laurent Seuront, Yvan
Lagadeuc, Multi-agent modeling of the physical/biological coupling - A
case study in marine biology, Technical Report LIL-99-3, Fév 1999
C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, Ph. Preux, E-G. Talbi,
"Fitness Landscape and Performance of Meta-Heuristics", in Meta-Heuristics
- Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization, Stefan
Voss, Silvano Martello, Ibrahim Osman, Catherine Roucairol (eds), chap.
18, Kluwer Academic Press, 255-266, 1999
S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-Cl. Darcheville, Coopération
en situation d'interaction minimale : quelle simulation ? Colloque ACCION
"L'interdisciplinarité en sciences de la cognition", Marseille,
Jan 1999
Ph. Preux, Réflexions sur quelques systèmes complexes et leur
dynamique, mémoire d'habilitation à diriger les recherches,
ULCO, Calais, Jan 1999
D. Duvivier, Ph. Preux, C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard,
E-G. Talbi, The fitness function and its impact on Local Search Methods,
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, La Jolla, USA, Oct. 1998
J. Joséfowicz, J-C. Darcheville, Ph. Preux,
L'émergence de comportements de contrôle chez des agents sélectionnistes
leur permet de résoudre le dilemme du prisonnier, Journées
Francophones d'Apprentissage, 174-185, Arras, Mai 1998
S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-C. Darcheville, Répartition
des tâches : coopération et apprentissage par renforcement,
Journées Francophones d'Apprentissage, 201-204, Arras, Mai 1998
V. Bachelet, E-G. Talbi, Ph. Preux,
Diversifying Tabu Search by Genetic Algorithms,
1998, INFORMS/CORS 1998, Montreal, Canada
C. Fonlupt, P. Preux, D. Robillard, E-G. Talbi, Paysages
des problèmes NP-durs et métaheuristiques, 1er congrès
"Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la décision" (ROAD-F),
Paris, Jan 1998
D. Duvivier, Ph. Preux, Impact de la fonction objectif
sur les performances des algorithmes itératifs de recherche locale,
1er congrès "Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la
décision" (ROAD-F), Paris, Jan 1998
V. Bachelet, Z. Hafidi, Ph. Preux, E-G. Talbi, Vers
la coopération de métaheuristiques parallèles, Calculateurs
Parallèles, Réseaux et Systèmes Répartis, 10(2),
211-223, Avril 1998
Ph. Preux, D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt, "Fitness Landscape
Of Combinatorial Problems And The Performance Of Local Search Algorithms",
Rapport interne LIL-97-13, Nov 1997
C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, Ph. Preux, "Fitness Landscape
and the Behavior of Heuristics", Proc. Evolution Artificielle'97
C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, Ph. Preux "Preventing
Premature Convergence via Cooperating Genetic Algorithms" Proc. Mandel'97,
Brno, Czeck Republic, June 1997
V. Bachelet, Ph. Preux, E-G. Talbi, "The Landscape
of the Quadratic Assignment Problem and Local Search Methods", (1 page)
Tenth Meeting of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, Teneriffe,
Canary Islands, May 1997
Ph. Preux, D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt "Fitness Landscape
And The Performance Of Local Search Algorithms", (1 page) Tenth Meeting
of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, Teneriffe, Canary
Islands, May 1997
C. Cambier, E. Perrier, J-P. Treuil, Ph. Preux, "Action
Physique et géométrique. Contribution a une reflexion sur
l'utilisation des processus physiques. Application RIVAGE", Poster aux
Journées Francaise IAD et SMA, Sophia-Antipolis, France, Avril 1997
C. Fonlupt, Ph. Preux, E-G. Talbi, "Paysages adaptatifs
des problemes NP-durs et performance des meta-heuristiques", (in French)
Feb. 97
D. Duvivier, Ph. Preux, C. Fonlupt, D. Robiliard,
E-G. Talbi, "The fitness function and its impact on Local Search Methods",
Rapport interne LIL-97-4, Fév. 97, mis à jour Sep. 97
C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, Ph. Preux, "Some Results
on the structure of the TSP and its Search Space", Technical report LIL-97-3,
Jan 97
C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, Ph. Preux, "A comparison
of the 2-opt-move and the city-swap operators for the TSP", Technical report
LIL-97-2, Jan. 1997
V. Bachelet, Ph. Preux, E-G. Talbi, "Parallel Hybrid
Meta-Heuristics: Application to the Quadratic Assignment Problem", Proc.
Parallel Optimization Colloquium, Versailles, Mar. 1996
D. Duvivier, Ph. Preux, E-G. Talbi, "Genetic Algorithms
Applied to the Job-shop Scheduling Problem", Proc. FUCAM'96, Mons, Belgique,
Sep. 1996 (pdf)
D. Duvivier, Ph. Preux, E-G. Talbi, "Algorithmes
génétiques parallèles pour l'optimisation : application aux problèmes de
job-shop et d'affectation quadratique", Proc. Francoro'95, Mons, Belgique,
Jun. 1995
D. Duvivier, Ph. Preux, E-G. Talbi, "Parallel
Genetic Algorithms for Optimization and Application to NP-Complete Problem
Solving", Proc. CCS'95, Brest, France, Jui. 1995
Ph. Preux, E-G. Talbi, "Assessing the Evolutionary
Algorithm Paradigm to Solve Hard Problems", Technical Report LIL-95-4,
Ph. Preux, E-G. Talbi, "Assessing the Evolutionary
Algorithm Paradigm to Solve Hard Problems", Proc. Workshop on Studying
and Solving Really Hard Problems, Constraint Processing'95, Marseille,
(Sep. 1995) This is a summary of pub. LIL-95-4
D. Duvivier, Ph. Preux, E-G. Talbi, "Stochastic Algorithms
for Optimization and Application to Job-Shop-Scheduling", Technical Report
LIL-96-5, Sep 1995
Ph. Preux, "Etude de l'uniformisation de la population
des algorithmes génétiques", (in French) Proc. Evolution Artificielle'94,
Toulouse (in French), (Sep. 94)
Ph. Preux, "A study of population uniformization
in GAs" Proc. of the workshop on applied genetic and other evolutionary
techniques, ECAI'94, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Aug 1994)
Ph. Preux, "Les algorithmes évolutifs", (in French)
Technical report LIL-94-1, Second edition (oct. 95)
While working on my PhD and a bit later, I was with the Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Lille, at the Université de Lille 1.
There, I studied vector supercomputers, their architecture, and
supercompilers (compilers for supercomputers). Below, there is the
list of publications related to this phase of my life. I've stopped working
on these things for a very long time... These are not
available on this page.
J-L. Dekeyser, Ph. Marquet, Ph. Preux, "Load-Store
Dependence and Data-Parallel Code Generation", CONPAR 92/VAPP V,
pp. 805--806 L. Bouge, M. Cosnard, Y. Robert, D. Trystram (eds), 1992,
Lyon, France, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 634
J-L. Dekeyser, Ph. Marquet, Ph. Preux, "A Multi-Level
Environment for Data-Parallel Code Generation", Proc. European Workshops
on Parallel Computing, 1992, Wouter Joosen, Elie Milgrom (eds), pp. 252--255,
IOS Publisher, Barcelona, Spain
J-L. Dekeyser, M. Tahar Kechadi, Ph. Marquet, Ph.
Preux, "Disordered Vector Pipelined Processor", Proc. ISMM Workshop on
Parallel Computing, pp. 36--39, 1991 Trani, Italie
J-L. Dekeyser, Ph. Marquet, Ph. Preux, "PARTNER:
An Environment for Parallel Scientific Computing", Proc. ISMM Workshop
on Parallel Computing, pp. 288--291, Trani, Italie, 1991
J-L. Dekeyser, Ph. Marquet, Ph. Preux, "LSD2: An
Embedded Language for Massively Parallel and Vector Pipeline Programming",
Proc. Parallel Computing'91, London
J-L. Dekeyser, Ph. Marquet, Ph. Preux, "DEVIL: An
Intermediate Vector Language - Definition and Implementation", Proc.
Int'l Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers, 1990, pp. 273--284,
J-L. Dekeyser, Ph. Marquet, Ph. Preux, "EVA: An Explicit
Vector Language", Proc. 10 SCCC Int'l Conf. on Computer Science, 1990,
Santiago, Chili, pp. 233--244
J-L. Dekeyser, Ph. Preux, "Indirect Memory Decoding
for Vector Accesses", Proc. of the 1989 Int'l Symp. on Computer Architecture
and Digital Signal Processing, 1989, pp. 293--298, Hong-Kong