A few steps of my vita:
- From Sep. 1983: studies at the université de Lille: 2 years of
maths and physics, then 3 years of computer science to graduate in
computer science in Fall 1988.
- 17th January 1991: defense of my PhD in computer science,
LIFL, Université de Lille 1: the topic is supercompilers.
- April -- September 1991: post-doc at
the Supercomputation Research Institute, Florida State University,
Tallahassee, USA.
- 1st October 1991: appointed associate professor at the
Université du Littoral in Calais, mainly teaching computer
architecture, and a bit of C to students in computer science
- February 1992 - May 1993: national (civil) service.
- January 1994: foundation of the Laboratoire d'Informatique du Littoral in
charge of which I am. I will remain the head of this
lab till my departure from this university, in 2003.
- 18th January 1999: defense of my Habilitation à diriger les
recherches in computer science, Université du Littoral Côte
d'Opale. It mainly dealt with genetic
algorithms and adaptive landscapes of combinatorial optimization
problems and a bit of virtual
- 1st September 1999: appointed professor in computer science at the
Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale. I mainly taught introductory
programming with Ada, with C, compilers, artificial intelligence,
data mining to students in computer science.
- 2002: creation and head of the DEA MOSC at the université du
Littoral Côte d'Opale (research master degree in computer science)
- 1st february 2003: moving from Université du Littoral
Côte d'Opale to the Université de Lille 3, and the machine learning
group there (GRAPPA).
I teach data mining and machine learning in masters.
- Spring 2004: head of the master degree MIASHS (means Mathematics
and Computer Science for Humanities) of the Université de Lille 3
- 1st January 2006--2007: head of the machine learning group
- April 2006: head of SequeL,
a team of the Inria in Lille.
- From Sep. 2007 to Aug. 2009: full secondment at the Inria Lille.
- Sep. 2009: back to University.
- Sep. 2016-Aug. 2023: secondment at Inria.
- Nov 1st, 2020: I head Scool which is the sequel of SequeL.
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